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Cowboy boots and biker, rockabilly denim clothing and accessories shop in Barcelona
Pago aplazado Sequra
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Mon-Sat: 10:00 to 13:30 | 16:30 to 20:00
 (+34) 933.020.642 /  (+34) 630605310
Corbeto's Boots Father's Day 2025


Press appearances

Vodafone Business Observatory's podcast "Histories of Life" created to accompany, inspire and help self-employed and small businessmen in this difficult time, interviews Jordi Corbeto to talk about Corbeto's Boots origins and our experience about online selling.


Ecommerce News, e-commerce information, digital economy and online marketing leader portal interviews Jordi Corbeto, Corbeto's Boots general manager, about our store's history, its evolution and internet development: Click here to read the interview (Spanish)

eCommerce press

Corbeto's Boots appearance on a blog post dedicated to Barcelona's best mens shoe shops:

BLOG WELCOME TO BARCELONA - News from urban Barcelona by SH Barcelona

The best Men's shoe stores in Barcelona: Click here to read this article.

"Corbeto’s Boots

Located on the world-famous promenade and selling boots to lovers of Western culture since 1948, Corbeto’s is the go-to store for any man pursuing a more mythical style. If your idea of timeless cool conjures up visions of Clint Eastwood in a saloon bar brawl, Springsteen on some roadhouse jaunt or Hemingway at a whiskey soaked writer’s table, this is where you are going to find your classics. Corbeto’s stocks the world famous Valverde del Camino brand which specializes the in Campero (rural) style boot, a quality keepsake from your time in Spain."

For being a singular shop celebrating 70 years of opening, El Periódico de Catalunya (Catalonia's most important newspaper) interviews Jordi Corbeto,  fourth generation from the same family in charge of Corbeto's Boots:

El Periódico de Catalunya - Gran Barcelona - Ciutat Vella District Click here to read digital version

Article dedicated to Las Ramblas family owned business that have not succumbed to the franchise networks and survive gaining customer's loyalty and offering quality products:

Metropoli Abierta Barcelona - Digital Newspaper Click here to read the whole article


Mediterranean Sea itineraries: Barcelona's restaurants and shopping recommendations

Viking Cruises- Luxury Cruise line


Viking Cruises

Barcelona's best shops to visit:

Mondo - Finnish travel guide, Barcelona edition


Mondo Finlandia

Corbeto's Boots review at MERIAN LIVE german travel guide: 

Specialized press article:

El Economista - Enterprisings

El Economista

Newspaper article:

El Periodico de Catalunya - See and buy


Rutraveller - Russia's international travel site

This site specialized in information about travelling recommends visiting Corbeto's Boots to those Russians staying in Barcelona. 

"«Корбетос Бутс», расположенный на улице Ла Рамбла в Барселоне, - это магазин, специализирующийся на ковбойской обуви.

«Corbeto's Boots» был открыт в далеком 1948 году семьей Корбето. В настоящее время этим процветающим бизнесом владеет уже четвертое поколение. Этот магазин получает заказы со всей страны. Особыми ценителями обуви Корбето являются Боб Дилан и Мик Джаггер. И это не удивительно, поскольку этот магазин является настоящей находкой для любителей западной культуры и «ковбойской» моды.

Помимо эксклюзивной обуви, в «Корбетос Бутс» можно приобрести джинсы, рубашки, галстуки, шляпы, ремни и пряжки.
Читать полностью на :"


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Customer service

Contact us

Corbeto's Boots
Dirección:La Rambla, 40, 08002 Barcelona, Cataluña, España
Tel.: (+34) 933 020 642
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