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Cowboy boots and biker, rockabilly denim clothing and accessories shop in Barcelona
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John Wayne

Buy John Wayne licensed products

One of the most popular Hollywood actors between kids and grown-ups, with his leading roles in the western and war movies, the rough and brutal attitude, but always on the side of justice and kindheartedness, still symbolizing the purest American behaviour, inside and outside the film he starred, now has his own section at Corbeto's Boots with many official items for yourself or to find the best gift to a cinema fanatic or a collectionist of exclusive products from the XX century Hollywood starsystem. Buy here your key rings, magnets, pistol and boot shaped bottle openers and amazing breakfast mugs of John Wayne, just as an advance of many other articles we will have available at our online store.

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Corbeto's Boots
Dirección:La Rambla, 40, 08002 Barcelona, Cataluña, España
Tel.: (+34) 933 020 642
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