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Cowboy boots and biker, rockabilly denim clothing and accessories shop in Barcelona
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Carolina Shoes

When it's time to buy a pair of biker boots, not only the design and style is important but its quality, durability and resistance. In the United States they know that well, the leading brand for motorcycle boots is Carolina Shoes with its mythical Engineer boot style 115. And at Corbeto's Boots we count more than thrirty years selling them as Spain's authorized dealer.

Buy quality Engineer boots

Carolina Shoes engineer boots, also called boots, are a myth because their unique style and proved toughness. They are still produced in the United States with the best leathers and components to ensure a long lasting. Metallurgy minded boots that have turned into must have footwear fo any genuine biker or rockabilly.

Elements that make a difference between regular boots and a Carolina are the using of high resistance cow leather, non-slip and oil-resistant rubber and nitrile outsoles or the Goodyear welt in addition to steel toe to provide an extra point of safety. Many of our customers only want Carolina and that's logical, they last ages!

Custom motorcycle boots

For traveling on the road with a motorcycle it is necessary to be well equiped: use a good helmet, wear the proper clothing and of course a footwear that provides safety and comfort. Especially for the custom bikes, Especialmente para la moto custom, whose high weigth requires a stable step to hold the motorcycle when the floor might be slippery or wet, aslo must protect our feet in case of accident  and allow us walking the whole daywith them without getting tired.

For gathering all these conditions and last long time, Carolina engineer boots are a legend in the biker world, don't wait more and discover for yourself why thousands of bikers wear them daily!

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Corbeto's Boots
Dirección:La Rambla, 40, 08002 Barcelona, Cataluña, España
Tel.: (+34) 933 020 642
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