How to show a perfect foot in summer

We are all waiting for the most expected and warmest season, and summer is the perfect season to wear also footwear that hints almost our feet, like sandals or flip-flops. 

Most common issues about feet

According to the Official College of Chiropodists of the Valencian Community, in Spain, about 70% of Spanish people suffers from a foot disease such as bunions, blisters or calluses.

The most common disease is the athlete’s foot, a fungus infection caused by an excessive exposure to humidity or sweating. Another minor foot disease we may have are plantar warts, that appear after going to swimming pools, saunas and other humid and warm places.

Dry feet are also a common issue, especially on the heel. This dryness is caused because of chlorine, sand and hot temperatures.

How to have a perfect foot

Albeit we should take care of our feet all year long, it’s true the awareness for looking good also on our feet is higher during summer.

To show your perfect feet, as for any other body part, we should follow a complete daily routine and avoid certain uses in our footwear. 

Hygiene and nourishment

Hygiene is the basis to achieve and show your healthy and beautiful feet this summer. Erase all humidity from the feet is essential, so this way we will stop all fungus, bacteria and skin tags. 

After the shower, you must correctly dry your feet, especially in all spaces and folds between the toes. It’s also suggestable to do a foot massage applying some moisturizing cream.

Don’t apply directly between your toes, as if you let act the cream too much without extending skin flaws and fungus may appear.

Removing the hard skin

The corns or hard skin on the foot usually appear on the heel, the foot’s sole or the big toe’s side because in those parts is where the shoe rubbing and chafing is more intense.

Before using foot files or a pumice stone to eliminate all corns in a fast and effective way, we strongly suggest to soak your feet for a few minutes, so your skin will soften. 

Furthermore, doing this once or twice a week can help us in order to relieve the foot pain, relaxing your muscles and improving your blood flow.

Foot exfoliation

For a correct foot peeling, we should consider these values in each product used:

  • Moisturizing creams: Use creams that contain between 5% and 10% of urea.

  • Hard skin removal: Use creams with a high concentration (20% to 30%) of salicylate or urea.

  • Avoid foot sweating with antiperspirant products: We suggest to spray or use foot powder inside your shoes.

  • Improve your blood flow and reduce foot swelling with gels or cooling effect creams: the best home remedies are having a cold shower on your feet at the end of the day to relax and activate your blood circulation.

Other tips to bear in mind

  • We strongly suggest to cut your nails horizontally and not curved. In this way nails won’t become ingrown.

  • When possible, try to walk barefoot as much as possible.

  • Avoid using flip-flops on paved roads, as this kind of footwear can cause cracks on the heel.

  • Once a year it’s recommended to visit your chiropodist to rule out any anomaly.

Things you should avoid

Wear nail polish

Chiropodists suggest to wear nail polish only for a short time, so this way the nail perspiration improves. 

Excessive peeling

The abuse of cutting and peeling tools such as razors or files might cause small wounds, being the entrance point for pathogenic microorganisms such as virus, fungus and bacteria.

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