False myths of online shopping


It started years ago as an unstoppable ascent trend, and now it’s a consolidate reality: online shopping arrived to stay… and keeps growing. If that weren’t enough, exceptional pandemic circumstances have contributed to take more advantage than ever to e-commerce. Those that were reluctant from buying on internet or hadn’t had the opportunity for doing it, now have had the chance to realise its advantages go further that skipping trips

According to statistics, 83 % of people buys on internet, and a 72% of them do it at least once per month. However, and despite is a minority, there are people that still distrust from online shopping.

Some false myths that have little to do with e-commerce contribute to that, but as almost all urban legends, they end making a mark on some customer’s confidence. Let’ see which are those myths and how easy they can be broken apart.




Clearing apparent obstacles


At Corbeto’s we bet long ago for the e-commerce, and our online shop is proof of it. And as good connoisseur of its functioning, we can clear those doubts that, although they more and more lose their reliability, still generate distrust at the time of buying on internet. Basically are the following:


  • Protected bank data: it’s logical to be safety user’s main concern. But sharing credit card details on a online shop with SSL Certificate, like the one from Corbeto’s, is a secure purchase warranty.  SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is a digital tittle that authenticate web site’s identity and encodes the information sent to the server. So, when purchasing online user’s browser access to server digital certificate and establish a secure connection. Furthermore, e-commerce has no access to any customer’s credit card data at any time, but only payment processors (BBVA-Redsys, Paypal or SeQura in the case of Corbeto’s Boots) because that information is transmitted on a secure environment provided for those same processors. So, with regards to Corbeto’s online shop, your safety is above all doubt.
  • Does it really exist the shop where I’m making an order?  Our advice is looking into the online shop that we are visiting who they are, where are located and search for shop’s real pictures. Together with checking business’ public information and reviews at social networks or search engines will give us a clearer idea if this a real business or a possible fraud.    In Corbeto’s case is easy to clear that fear: our physical store’s address and contact information are always visible at the web site, furthermore, there is a store’s photo gallery and a press appearance archive, as well as many reviews available at Google or Facebook from customers that have already trusted on us.


What happens if I need to return my order? This is another understandable concern, particularly relatable when we buy clothes or footwear. Specially to help customers in case they choose a wrong size or number, the great majority of online stores accept product returns. In Corbeto’s, after receiving your order, within 15 days you can ask for changes or returns, because for us, it is vital every customer likes what it bought.


  • Small marketplaces are less safe than bigger ones: This is completely and utterly wrong. A small marketplace can provide the same guarantees than known franchises or even offer a better service, as products are easier to be find and it’s possible to directly reach with the business.




All advantages that outweight Internet purchases


As far as we fact-checked all “alleged” obstacles about ordering on an Internet website are not really like this, at this point, online shopping experience has been developed and improved in all senses. If first of all we noted what restrain to a few people, now let’s see the pros of using Internet to make an online purchase.


  • Save time and be relaxed: forget about taking your car, bike or public transportation, driving in circles to find a parking lot and not having a window to visit your preferred shop to buy that article you like. Wherever you are, at any hour, while waiting somewhere, you can just take your mobile phone and make an online order. No more agglomerations, jams or queues, because the only thing can’t be returned is time. And all of this with the convenience of receiving your purchase at home, your office or business or even in a pick-up store, when you need it, either the next day or whenever best suits for you.


  • Tempting offers: there is not any secret in saying the best promos can be found on Internet, and many people are keen to search for valid voucher codes for their favorite online shops. A main reason is about how some business can save some money enhancing this acquisition mode. In the meanwhile, the buyer also saves in travel expenses such as public transportation tickets, parkings, fuel…


  • Extended information and ease to comparing: most Internet stores present in an adequate way the product attributes or all service details. Also, you will be able to read what other customers have to say about the articles you are interested just doing a query on the net, a reason to be certain and decide if you want to proceed with your purchase.


  • More freedom in your shopping experience: on Internet you’re the only one who choose, without any constraints. Some people feel uncomfortable when are in a physical shop or in a shopping mall, and may feel pressured by the assistant. Buying on Internet erases this sensation, as you can take your time choosing the items you really need, comparing different articles and guide yourself by the product description. To round off the shopping experience, in Corbeto’s Boots online shop we can solve all of your doubts through an embedded chat service or contacting us on WhatsApp.


Because it’s not just about loving what you buy in Corbeto’s, we also want to make you enjoy of the ordering process almost like you were been attended by us at our shop in Barcelona, always from trusting, credibility and peace of mind, counting on us any time you need our professional assessment. What about starting now?





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