30% off on your new Buffalo London sneakers

As you will probbably know, Corbeto’s Boots is Buffalo Boots official dealer since more than 10 years. For long time its iconic Buffalo Classic have had an honor place at our Las Ramblas store’ shelves as at our online shop. And since two years ago we are proud to have in our catalog the brand new Buffalo London, a renewed version of german brand’s iconic 90’s model. Now you have the chance to get the trendiest and rebel footwear at an incredible price with a 30% discount.

Don’t you know Buffalo London yet?

Since its foundation at the ends of 70’s decade, Buffalo Boots’ target has always been the young public. First, the business focused in the western boots, what was on fashion among that time’s german young public. But, adapting to youth tastes, Buffalo Shoes was developing its design and during the 80’s decade presented to the market its first sport shoes. So, the first Buffalo sneakers were born in 20 different color combinations.

These first Buffalo sneakers were the creative ground for, in 1995, presenting the iconic Buffalo Classic. It’s sure you remember them with their high platforms, laces and Velcro. Such a boom in 90’s decade that popularized stars like the Spice Girls joining to their rebel and relaxed image.

Buffalo Classic were continuously produced until october 2016. But back then they already had reached cult footwear status. After a short impasse and taking advantage the 90’s revival that fashion world is experiencing, Buffalo Boots decided recovering Classic’ spirit getting close to a younger and rebel public with the new Buffalo London. More extreme, relaxed and unisex.

Your Buffalo London with a 30% discount  only at your Buffalo store

During 90’s decade, artists like the Spice Girls, Cher, Madonna, N’SYNC or Cameron Diaz became supporters of this brand’s youth and relaxed style. Nowadays, artists and celebrities like Rita Ora, Gigi Hadid, Amberleigh West, Dua Lipa, Ariana Grande or Heidi Klum have made Buffalo London a new icon of extreme fashion.

Perfect to combine with many urban style looks, now you have the chance to find them at Corbeto’s, your Buffalo store with a 30% discount. In our catalog will find a broad variety of Buffalo London. From the classic black or white Buffalo made with genuine leather and their classic six centimeters high platform sole, to the more extreme and ultra-high boots with 10 centimeters platform. We also carry other colors like beige or nubuck, more discreet and elegant; with laces or with Velcro. For the summer, we have the half shoe version, similar to a clog with open heel, a great option to continue enjoying the Buffalo style during the warmest season. And, if you look for an even more affordable version you have the Buffalo Corin made with faux leather, a shinier touch, lightweight, comfortable and a five centimeters high platform.

Will find all of them at our store in Barcelona’s Las Ramblas and our online shop. With a 30% discount for limited time.


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